Periodontics - gum disease therapy

Perio Protect® mouth tray
As the body tries to destroy the bacteria under the gum, it also destroys the bone around the teeth. This bone loss around the teeth is called periodontal (gum) disease. The best way to prevent it is to brush and floss, get professional dental cleanings every 3-4 months, and avoid harmful habits such as smoking and chewing tobacco. Some people, such as diabetics, are more susceptible to gum disease than others.
Currently, Dr. Maron's office uses the following methods to help fight gum disease:
- Piezo and ultrasonic scalers—The hygienists use these instruments to clean the teeth and rinse below the gum with different medications such as chlorhexidine.
- 10-day time-released antibiotic—We place this painless medication, called Arrestin, in localized areas of gum disease.
- Perio Protect®—Our newest treatment, Perio Protect is an at-home technique that uses a set of mouth trays to deliver a peroxide gel beneath the gum.You wear the mouth trays twice a day for 10-15 minutes each treatment. Research shows that using Perio Protect eliminates more than 99 percent of the bacteria under the gum. The treatment is easy, does not involve surgery, and offers the additional benefits of lightening the teeth and decreasing bad breath.
- NV Microlaser—We use the NV Microlaser for killing bacteria associated with gum disease and for removing infected tissue in the mouth. Patients find that the treatment done with the laser causes less discomfort and promotes faster healing.